
Is It Better To Buy Aero Garden Seed Kits Or Seed Starter Kit

Seed Starting Tips & Info

  1. Safe Bug Repellents You Can Make At Home

    Safe Bug Repellents You Can Make At Home

    It's the end of June and your garden should be in full swing. Your tomatoes are starting to show plump, juicy fruit, your herbs are going crazy, and your lettuce is ready to be harvested (all of which you transplanted from your AeroGarden Seed Starting System). Nothing is stopping you from enjoying your time tending to your garden...except, what is...

  2. Types of Microgreens

    Types of Microgreens

    Congratulations! You just got your new MicroGreens Kit for your Harvest or Harvest Elite AeroGarden, and you are ready to plant. Your new kit already comes with one 4oz MicroHerb Seed Pack and you have the option to buy additional Winter Wheatgrass and Spicy Microgreen Seed Packs. All are wonderful choices, that are quick and easy growers packed full of...

  3. Getting Started: Container Gardens, Raised Beds, and In-Ground Gardening

    Getting Started: Container Gardens, Raised Beds, and In-Ground Gardening

    How to choose and prepare a site for a healthy garden Starting plants from seeds in an AeroGarden is simple. Starting a new garden is a bit more challenging. Whether the garden is planted in the ground, in raised beds, or in pots, success depends on providing adequate sunlight, moisture, drainage, and fertility for the plants to flourish. Amending the...

  4. Pod to Pot: Transplanting Seedlings to Soil from the AeroGarden Harvest

    Pod to Pot: Transplanting Seedlings to Soil from the AeroGarden Harvest

    The AeroGarden seed starting system helps plants sprout much faster than traditional, soil-based sowing. Consistent moisture and bright, broad spectrum light produce strong, stocky seedlings that are ready to transplant in about a week. However,  moving seedlings from a hydroponic system to a soil based system requires a transition period to condition the roots for a more challenging life ahead. ...

  5. Hardening Off: Transitioning Seedlings from the House to the Garden

    Hardening Off: Transitioning Seedlings from the House to the Garden

    AeroGarden Seed Starting Systems help gardeners extend their harvest, use their containers and garden beds more efficiently, and grow more fruits and veggies compared with soil-based seed sowing. But seedlings grown indoors will suffer sunburn and transplant shock if they are planted directly outdoors without preparation. A transition process called "hardening off"eliminates the danger.  The first step of the transition...

  6. How to Start Seeds Indoors In Your AeroGarden Harvest

    How to Start Seeds Indoors In Your AeroGarden Harvest

    Starting Seeds in an AeroGarden If you're looking for a fast and convenient seed starting system for vegetable, herb, or flower gardens, look no further than AeroGarden.  Indoor seed starting is a great way to get a jumpstart on the gardening season, ensure an early harvest, and grow more vegetables throughout the season. But many gardeners find it difficult to...



    For your outdoor garden, there are three ways to grow those plant babies. Whether you have a full backyard or a small deck to work with, you need to decide which garden setup will work best for you and those seedlings waiting to be transplanted. So let's explore the differences between container, raised-bed, and in-ground gardens.  Also, here are some...

  8. Why Start Seeds Indoors?

    Why Start Seeds Indoors?

    Starting seeds indoors is great for many reasons! First off, more bang for your buck! Buying seed kits gives you the opportunity to grow more than a traditional starter plant and at a lower cost. This will yield you more herbs, veggies and flowers for less coming out of your pocket. There is also a wide variety of plant seeds to choose from, as opposed to having a...

  9. Types of Basil

    Types of Basil

    Did you know we offer 9 varieties of Basil in our Seed Pod Kits? Here is a breakdown of their flavor profiles and an inspirational recipe for each. You can find basil in an assortment of our kits, including International Basil & Pesto Basil, as well as customizing your own Seed Pod Kit! Genovese Classic Pesto Flavor Recipe Globe Spicy Anise Flavor Recipe...

  10. What is "Harden Off"

    What is "Harden Off"

    Moving Your Seedlings Outdoors   So you started your plants in your AeroGarden, but now you want to transplant them into pots or your outdoor garden. A relatively easy process, but when done without hardening off, some plants may not survive the transition, and no one wants that!What our new video on how to Harden off your plants for...

Is It Better To Buy Aero Garden Seed Kits Or Seed Starter Kit


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